Course Overview

Do you want to be the next Giorgio Armani?
The Textile and Fashion Design course caters to the needs of students interested in becoming a professional textile or fashion designer. This course consists of two major modules, namely Textile Design and Fashion Design.


Textile Design provides training in conceptual development, creative interpretation and technical production as well as knowledge relevance which is crucial to the textile design industry. An industrial attachment and a practical workshop will further provide valuable practical experience for the students. Fashion Design equips the students with fashion and textile knowledge, marketing and practical skills. Design concepts and technical skills are inter-dependent and mutually enhancing in the training approaches. The program is structured to cover all aspects of fashion design from basic to advanced drafting, draping, construction and designing. Studio projects include functional to experimental clothing designs.

Showcase Gallery

  • Year 1
  • Year 2
  • Year 3

Year 1

Semester 1

  • Art & Design Fundamentals
  • 3D Studies
  • Painting 1
  • Drawing 1
  • History of Art 1
  • English
  • Penghayatan Etika & Peradaban

Semester 2

  • Fashion Design 1
  • Textile Design 1
  • Fashion Illustration 1
  • Garment Construction 1
  • Printing Workshop 1
  • History of Fashion
  • Digital Imaging & Text 1
  • Writing Skills or Bahasa Kebangsaan A

Year 2

Semester 3

  • Integrity and Anti-Corruption
  • Fashion Design 2
  • Textile Design 2
  • Fashion Illustration 2
  • Garment Construction 2
  • Printing Workshop 2
  • Textile Technology

Semester 4

  • Community Project
  • Textile Design 3
  • Printing Workshop 3
  • Fashion Design 3
  • Garment Construction 3
  • Professional Practice

Year 3

Semester 5

  • Fashion Design 4
  • Textile Design 4
  • Draping 1
  • Batik Art 1
  • Fashion Merchandising

Industrial Training

Semester 6

  • Fashion Design 5
  • Textile Design 5
  • Draping 2
  • Batik Art 2


Campus Life

MIA is a community of lively young artists in the making. At MIA, students will find themselves experiencing and exploring new creative forms, expressions of various kind of arts and skills that will contribute to their future careers. To enhance the live and learn experience, we provide an ideal hands-on learning environment, classrooms and facilities for our students as well as living facilities close to campus. With the growing numbers of amenities around the campus such as a shopping mall and an upcoming convention centre, MIA is located in an area where students can truly live and learn to the fullest.

Career Opportunities

  • Stage Costume Designer
  • Textile Designer
  • Fashion Display Artist
  • Textile Quality Controller
  • Fashion Coordinator
  • Fashion Management Assistant


  • “I made the right choice to select MIA Textile and Fashion Design course as the Institute’s environment and the quality of the lecturers enabled me to bring out my best potential. The scholarship offered by the Institute was of great help during my studies as well. It had certainly helped me to build my confidence and is the foundation of my success today.”

    Yeow Yuek Chu
    Graduated in 1997
    Currently the Principal of Styling Pavilion Academy.
  • “The students are heading towards becoming creative professionals in art and design which is made possible with the solid education they received at MIA.”

    Lye Chi Xian
    Graduated in Year 2012
    Currently working as a chief design officer.
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