Course Overview

Do you like to design the next future car concept?
The Industrial Design course begins with a grounding in design fundamentals, and later focuses on the study of aesthetics, functions, use of materials and manufacturing processes.


Industrial Design students will have the opportunity to develop innovative designs for human needs and improve the quality of living. This course emphasizes hands-on skills and methods for solving design problems. Our students will be trained in various aspects of design, from original ideas to building 3-D prototypes while learning the manufacturing processes and marketing strategies. Design projects cover areas such as consumer goods, leisure and sporting equipment, workshop machinery and hardware, medical and educational equipment, products for disabled people, electronics and design for transportation.
  • Year 1
  • Year 2
  • Year 3

Year 1

Semester 1

  • Art & Design Fundamentals
  • 3D Studies
  • Painting 1
  • Drawing 1
  • History of Art 1
  • English
  • Penghayatan Etika & Peradaban

Semester 2

  • Industrial Design 1
  • Engineering Drawing 1
  • History of Industrial Design
  • Workshop Practice
  • Presentation Techniques
  • Writing Skills or Bahasa Kebangsaan A

Year 2

Semester 3

  • Integrity and Anti-Corruption
  • Industrial Design 2
  • Computer Aided Design
  • Materials & Processes
  • Ergonomics

Semester 4

  • Community Project
  • Industrial Design 3
  • CAD Modeling
  • Design Methodology
  • Marketing & Management
  • Digital Imaging

Year 3

Semester 5

  • Industrial Design 4
  • CAD Visualization
  • Furniture Study
  • Packaging Design

Industrial Training

Semester 6

  • Industrial Design 5
  • Professional Practice
  • Final Project Analysis


Campus Life

MIA is a community of lively young artists in the making. At MIA, students will find themselves experiencing and exploring new creative forms, expressions of various kind of arts and skills that will contribute to their future careers. To enhance the live and learn experience, we provide an ideal hands-on learning environment, classrooms and facilities for our students as well as living facilities close to campus. With the growing numbers of amenities around the campus such as a shopping mall and an upcoming convention centre, MIA is located in an area where students can truly live and learn to the fullest.

Career Opportunities

  • Furniture Designer
  • Kitchen System Designer
  • Wood-Base Product Designer
  • Metal-Base Product Designer
  • 3-Dimensional Designer
  • Office System Designer
  • Plastic-Base Product Designer
  • Display & Exhibition System Designer


  • “MIA is definitely the best place for students to build a strong foundation in art and design, which will lead you to a good future career. It is the most valuable investment you can make in your future.”

    Lim Chin Fatt
    Graduated in 2006
    Currently a Senior Designer of a Tier 2 Company (Automotive Leather Interior) in Dubai, UAE.
  • “Graduating from Industrial Design in MIA has taught me an important skill that I like the most which is problem solving; the way to see problem and solve it piece by piece to get the greatest result possible. This important knowledge helped me a lot in my profession. Furthermore, I have also applied this method to all the problem that I encountered from time to time.
    I believe a great education might not give you all you need, but it will plant a SEED of Success in you, and let it grow into the form that you want it to be.
    I wish the very best for MIA to continue its journey and give the best to our Design society.”

    Eric Tiau Chee Kong
    Graduated in 2002
    Currently Director of Big Hand Creation Sdn. Bhd. and Design Director at ET Platform Enterprise.
  • “The years spent in MIA were the best time of my entire education. I made really good friends there and many are among my best-friends now; probably because we were all united by our work and passion. The knowledge and skills I acquired in MIA are extremely beneficial, not only for achieving my desired academic results but also when put into practice at a higher level of education. Looking back, I can see MIA as an extremely important and a stepping stone in my life and career. It allowed me to develop academically as well as my interpersonal skills, which are extremely important in my field of work. I have always felt so grateful to be a student at MIA.”

    Chan Yung Khang
    Graduated in 2010
    Currently an Art Director with ENOCO Design, Tanggam Design Team, Malaysian Timber Board (MTIB) and Founder of CYK Design & HOMM.
  • “Unquestionably one of the best places to study Industrial design, not only a great place to hone your design skills, you are also being trained to think critically when solving problems in creative ways. All in all it is a very pleasant learning environment. I would highly recommend MIA to individuals whom wish to pursue a design career!”

    Tony Chua Hong Yong
    Graduated in 2010
    Currently Managing Director of RTIST Malaysia and Director of ZEROO Design Firm.
  • “My experiences and knowledge obtained at the MIA have been very beneficial to both my professional and personal life. The industrial design course has broadened my horizon and exposed me to endless possibilities of my capabilities and talent. MIA emphasized both the fundamentals and minute details in design, that has prepared me for my overseas degree as well as any design challenges I will encounter in the future. I also really enjoyed the diversity and challenges of the projects given at MIA. Studying at MIA is most definitely one of the most cherished memories in my life.”

    Chew Wei See
    Graduated in 2010
    Currently an Assistant Managing Director at ONZ Production & Entertainment.
  • Sherina Wong Sik Bey
    Graduated in 2013
    Currently a Graphic & Product Designer at OHYA Chain Boutique Motel, New Taipei City, Taiwan.
  • Lee Hui Jia
    Graduated in 2012
    Currently a Bid & Design Executive at Haworth Singapore Pte. Ltd.
  • “I have been challenged to think critically about important issues during the studies, and have grown as an artist and an educator, all while feeding my desire to learn.”

    Ng Han Yit
    Graduated in 2011
    Currently a Project Manager at Quads Group Plt (Design & Built) and Business Development, HOFI Marketing Plt (Customize Office/Designer furniture).
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