6th Malaysia Footwear Design Competition 2013 (Miniature Art Category)

Textile and Fashion Design students Rebecea Cheong Kae Mun, Wong Soke Khei, Lee Liong Miew and Artif Rastam Bin Abdul Rahman were the 2nd prize winners in the Miniature Art category organized by Malaysian Footwear Manufacturers Association. They won RM2, 000 cash prize, a trophy and certificate. Pang Yong Kia, Praveena Sockalingam, Chee Jia Woei, Emily Lim Zhi-Ing, Lim Jia Hui, and Tan Jye Yeng won the Consolation Prize of RM 100 cash prize and certificate in the same category.

2nd prize winners of the Miniature Art category.

MIA students’ winning entry.

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